Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can I Worship online as well as onsite?

We would love for you to join our virtual worship. We hold n-person worship along with virtual, and it is held at 10:30 am Eastern each Sunday morning. Please visit our Events Calendar for event information and links.

Are There Other Events I Can Attend, In Addition To Sunday Worship?

Yes! Please feel free to join us for our Adult Education classes, which are being held onsite and online. Please visit our Events Calendar for event information and links.

What Do I Do When I Arrive for Worship?

There will be a greeter or two at the main entrance who will provide directions. Until further notice, we are suspending indoor snacks and coffee and tea in the atrium. As you enter the worship space, an usher will provide you with a worship bulletin. You may sit anywhere you like.

What is Appropriate Attire for Worship?

We are very much a "come as you are" congregation. Many of us wear jeans or other casual clothing for worship. 

What About Children?

Children are certainly welcome! Families come to worship together. After the Children's Moment in worship, children adjourn  to their  classrooms or outdoors, weather permitting.

For more information about our Children's Ministry, click here.


Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of the month. At Umstead Park UCC, all are welcome to Christ’s table. Communion is offered in a traditional manner, by intinction, during which worshippers who choose walk to a communion station take a piece of the bread and dip it in the cup.  The cup contains juice.

How Do I Get There and What About Parking?
Umstead Park UCC is located at 8208 Brownleigh Drive, Raleigh, NC 27617.  You may park in our parking lot or in any of the parking lots of adjacent businesses. Our church building does not look like a traditional church. You can see pictures of the building and our sign on the Our Building page.

What Happens When the Service is Over?
We invite you to gather in the atrium, on the deck or in the front parking lot and talk with others and with our pastor following the service. On the first Sunday of each month, we plan to offer a Newcomers and Inquirers Gathering for about 30 minutes immediately following worship. This is an opportunity for visitors to learn more about the UCC as a denomination and UPUCC as a church.

Is the Church Accessible to Those in Wheelchairs? 