Check out the events happening at Umstead Park UCC


Sunday, July 28

10:30 am - Worship & Music Meeting - Library

11:45 am - Youth Group - Youth Room

12:00 pm - Cash Bail Reform Interest Group

Monday, July 29

2:30 pm - Staff Meeting - online

Tuesday, July 30

No Events Scheduled

Wednesday, July 31

5:30 pm - All Staff Meeting - Library

Thursday - August 1

6:00 pm - Game Night - High Park Bar and Grill

7:00 pm - FIA Committee - online

Friday, August 2

No Events Scheduled

Saturday, August 3

No Events Scheduled


Sunday Worship 10:30 am - In person, and online here

As always, children are welcome in worship. Families come to worship together. After the Children's Moment, children and adult leaders enjoy a brief lesson together then dismiss to build healthy friendships in outdoor play (or indoors, depending on the weather). Youth Group meets most Sundays at 12 pm.

Adult Education Forums: Most Sundays at 9am in the church library and online - all are welcome! 

Join the Forums online here

July 7th - We will not have a Forum this Sunday

July 14th (9:00am) - We will not have a Forum this Sunday

July 21st -  Pronouns 101 Follow Up - Gender: We will have further discussion on gender, where we will continue to explore the role of gender in our lives. We will discuss the socialization of gender at an early age, and the issues that individuals who decide to transition face. Please join us for an engaging discussion.

July 28th - We will not have a Forum this Sunday

Saturday Meditation Group online (most) 2nd Saturdays 10 am

Practiced for centuries and is well-known for its many benefits, meditation can reduce stress, lower blood pressure, reduce anxiety, increase compassion, and more! UPUCC is carrying on this ancient practice- each first Saturday of the month at 10 am, for one hour.  We enjoy this time out from busy-ness to focus and redirect our minds, and invite you to come join us.  Absolutely no experience required.  Contact Joanne Kennedy Frazer if you would like to be part of this monthly group.


If you've missed our virtual worship services, you can find the videos here.

“Masks Optional” 

    At the Coordinating Council’s October 20, 2022 meeting, after a lengthy discussion while reviewing the Covenant Partner Surveys, a decision was made to move to ‘masks optional.' We do so reminding all:

  • to be respectful of the diversity of choices made by individuals within the Congregation
  • encouraging any who have not yet taken full advantage of vaccinations to do so
  • and requesting that any who have been exposed to COVID please test negative before returning to church.

    Should a significant surge in cases occur in the area, we will move to ‘masks recommended.’

    We will continue to offer streaming options for any who feel too compromised to return to in-person worship.

    Many thanks to all who participated in the recent survey which allowed us to choose policies that best reflect the will of the entire Congregation.